Undoubtedly, one of the most important battles Martyr
Soleimani led was in Syria against the Takfiri barbarism engineered by
Washington and Tel Aviv.
In his book “Sobh al-Sham,” Martyr Foreign Minister Hossein
Amir Abdollahian explains, at the request of Martyr Soleimani, the details of
the Syrian crisis that began in 2011 “so that the young generation can learn
about the events in Syria and part of our region, and learn about the heroism
of General Soleimani.”
Abdollahian thoroughly explains the motives of Tehran and
its allies behind supporting Damascus at that stage, “The reader can clearly
see on every page of the book eloquent scenes that reflect the courage of
Sayyed Ali Khamenei, the Leader of the Islamic Revolution, and his wisdom in
preserving Iran’s security to the maximum extent. The great fingerprints of
Gen. Soleimani are also clearly evident in its folds, for those who follow with
an eye to the heart.”
Abdollahian explains how these efforts have warded off the
victory of the “Western-Arab-Hebrew” coalition against the Syrian people,
shedding light on “the events that swept West Asia and North Africa. In
parallel, the US-Zionist axis was waiting for opportunities to exploit these
pivotal transformations.
“Why did the Egyptians go out and not a single bullet was
fired? Why did ISIS not appear in Tahrir Square? Why did this not happen in
Tunisia, while events in Syria took a deviant path and turned into a long
terrorist war?” Abdollahian wonders
Abdollahian reaches the conclusion: “Other rulers began to
think about what they should do” for fear that the revolutions would not shake
their thrones. Washington, too, was highly concerned about the fall of its
historical and traditional allies one after the other without having a suitable
alternative to them.
Nevertheless, the Zionist colonial entity was the most
concerned, according to Abdollahian, so after an in-depth study, the Zionist
officials deduced that it was necessary to prevent this torrent by implementing
a “Reverse Plan”.
Accordingly, they decided to intervene in the Axis of
Resistance’s countries. “In the first stage, they wanted to wreak havoc in
Tehran ... They have seriously considered targeting Iran’s nuclear centers.
They said we must cut off the head of the snake. After searching and examining,
they reached the conclusion that this action entails complications, as it is
not possible to attack Tehran and come out of the battle without losses,” he
Abdollahian believed that they had no other options but to
“cut off the executive arms protected by Iran” such as Hezbollah, Hamas and the
Islamic Jihad. At the height of these transformations, the Israeli entity made
a wrong decision to wage war against Gaza on November 14, 2012, estimating that
Iran was “preoccupied with the nuclear talks and had many problems that
prevented it from paying attention to Gaza,” and that Hezbollah’s fighters “who
would confront the Israelis had moved to Syria to combat ISIS.”
Israel called its war “Pillar of Cloud,” while the
Palestinians called it “The Battle of the Stones of Sijil”. The goal was to
destroy the Palestinian resistance’s weapons depots. However, on the 8th day,
the colonial occupation regime quickly requested a ceasefire without achieving
any results.
Abdollahian adds that the US-Zionist axis found out that
among the most important factors that neutralized the scheme to attack Iran and
weaken the resistance in Gaza was Syria’s might. Hence, they seriously thought
that if they could strike Syria and cut the lines of resistance, the balance of
power in the region would fundamentally change. They believed that after the fall
of Syria, all routes of sending logistical aid to the resistance movement would
be blocked, and the threats facing the Israeli entity in the Golan Heights
would be removed.
Foreign Minister Abdollahian says that the goal of this
“Reverse Plan” has never changed, which is to weaken the countries surrounding
the Israeli entity and their national armies.
Unfortunately, what he predicted came true. Syria fell, yet
as Sayyed Ali Khamenei has asserted, the courageous Syrian youth – who have
been inspired by Martyr Soleimani – will overcome the enemies through
steadfastness and sacrifice.
Courtesy: Tehran Times