The decision by the United States to provide Ukraine with the M864 DPICM round
is driven by one thing and one thing only lust for carnage and destruction. Totaling around US$800 million, it will also feature Bradley and Stryker fighting vehicles, air defense missiles, and anti-mine equipment—and hundreds of thousands of 155mm artillery dual-purpose improved conventional munitions (DPICM) rounds, the M864.
decision by the Biden administration to supply Ukraine with the M864 round is
simply a callous continuation of a policy designed to prolong a conflict
Ukraine cannot win, and which causes Ukraine to lose hundreds of men killed
every day. It does nothing to alter the current trajectory of the
Russian-Ukrainian conflict, which as things currently stands points to a decisive
Russian victory, an outcome the Biden administration is loath to accept.
The United States has, prior to the recent announcement,
refused to provide cluster munitions to Ukraine for one simple
reason—much of the world, including many of America’s NATO allies—views cluster
munitions as representing an unacceptable risk to civilian life due to the high
occurrence of dud munitions (i.e., munitions that fail to detonate on
impact). As a result, cluster munitions continue to kill long after the battle
where they were employed has ended. The victims tend to be civilians
who stumble upon these munitions and inadvertently set them off.
the US has refused to sign the Convention on Cluster Munitions (CCM), an
international treaty that prohibits all use, transfer, production, and
stockpiling of cluster munitions, it has recognized the need to develop cluster
munitions with a designed dud rate of less than 1% to minimize the
post-conflict risk to civilian populations. For this reason, the US military
stopped using the M864 in 2016, replacing it with an improved DPICM round.
While the M864 round does not meet the 1% dud
threshold set by the US Department of Defense for DPICM munitions, the
Biden administration touts the fact that the M864 has a dud rate of less than
2%, which given the urgency of the need for artillery shells by Ukraine, is
deemed to be an acceptable departure from the US norm.
However, like virtually every statement made by the United
States regarding the conflict in Ukraine, the claim that the M864 DPICM rounds
being sent to Ukraine are comprised only of batches certified as possessing a
dud rate of less than 2% is a calculated lie.
The tests cited—five of them, conducted between 1998 and
2020—were carried out at the KOFA firing range, located within the US Army’s
Yuma Proving Ground, in Arizona, using the Terminal Ballistics Evaluation Area,
which possesses a prepared and instrumented impact area optimized for data
This range employs a surface area consisting of hard-packed,
flattened dirt designed to maximize point-detonating fuses such as those
employed on the 24 M46 and 48 M42 dual-purpose anti-materiel/anti-personnel
sub-munitions contained in each M864 round.
However, when employed in real-life situations, the dud rate
of the sub-munitions will be much higher—often up to 20%. Rough terrain, mud,
soft soil, trees, and bushes all conspire to prevent the sub-munitions from
Moreover, given that the lifespan of a 155mm artillery shell is 20
years, and that production of the M864 round, which began in 1987, terminated
in 1996, the vast majority of the M864 artillery shells being provided to
Ukraine have reached or exceeded their expiation date, which means that there
is an increased probability that many of these shells will not perform as
Likewise, the US government knows that the dud rate is
deriven from laboratory-like testing conditions, and not the real-world
environment that exists in Ukraine. The fact is that the M864 DPICM round being
delivered to Ukraine is neither reliable nor safe as the Biden administration
M864 is considered by the US military to be 5-15 times as lethal as
conventional high-explosive 155mm artillery shells.
This calculation is derived from comparisons made regarding
massed infantry and light armor vehicles deployed in the open—a situation which
may have existed in 1991, during Operation Desert Storm, where some 25,000 M864
rounds were fired against Iraq.
However, the battlefield Ukraine faces today against Russia
is a far cry from Iraq. The Russian defenses that Ukraine is seeking to breach
are constructed on uneven terrain and integrate natural and man-made overhead
cover. The reality of the actual battlefield conditions will result in a
significant degradation of the lethal impact of the DPICM round,
given it at best a three-fold advantage and in many cases making it inferior to
a conventional high explosive round. In short, the M864 is not a “game
changer.” The Ukrainian forces will achieve limited tactical advantage through
its employment, and in many cases, see their probability of kill factors drop.
The US decision to provide Ukraine with the M864 DPICM round
is driven by one thing and one thing only—the fact that Ukraine is running out
of 155mm artillery shells, and the US has nothing left to give Ukraine except
the M864.
The drawdown in Afghanistan led to the Department of Defense
slashing its artillery acquisition budget in 2021, creating a deficit of
production that is only now being addressed in the 2023-24 defense budget.
Ukraine’s ambitious counteroffensive is predicated on planning factors built
around anticipated availability of 155mm artillery shells.
As things stand, Ukraine will exhaust its supply of 155mm
artillery shells prior to any of the objectives set for the counteroffensive
having been met. The Biden administration has decided to provide the M864 DPICM
round as an emergency stop-gap measure designed to allow Ukraine to
sustain its planned rate of fire until which time US and European production of
155mm artillery can be expanded to meet Ukraine’s operational needs, something
that isn’t anticipated to occur until mid-2024 at the earliest.
But the provision of artillery shells, whether conventional
or DPICM, cannot alter the reality that the Ukrainian military lacks the
capabilities necessary to successfully defeat the Russian defenses currently
deployed against them. The M864 munition cannot offset Russia's ten-fold
superiority in artillery fire, and unchallenged supremacy in the air, where
Russian fixed-wing and helicopter assets operate without meaningful opposition
while breaking up Ukrainian attacks with precision fire.