Showing posts with label Eisenhower Doctrine. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Eisenhower Doctrine. Show all posts

Wednesday, 5 March 2025

Lebanon controlled by “Eisenhower Doctrine”

The pretexts that imperialist colonial powers follow to expand their influence vary. What is happening at Beirut airport in Lebanon is nothing new. It is obvious that the US is trying to ensure its control over Lebanon’s vital facilities and airports.

It is evident that the recent expansion work undertaken by the US in Lebanon is aimed at encircling the resistance, or at the very least, exerting pressure on the Lebanese authorities to incite them against the resistance under the pretext of avoiding severe brutal sanctions.

Preventing Iranian flights from landing at Beirut airport seems to be a part of US President Donald Trump’s plan to control the world, sometimes by proposing plans to displace Palestinians and other times by occupying countries.

Washington considers controlling the northern part of the West Asia region, in addition to the southern part, especially the Persian Gulf countries, a fundamental issue in light of the conflict with competing powers, as was the case decades ago when the Soviet Union existed.

The “Eisenhower Doctrine” was implemented in the 1950s, during the era of President Camille Chamoun, when the US naval forces landed on the shores of Beirut. Their interest was focused on Beirut airport because ensuring influence lies in tightening the noose around strategic outlets such as public facilities and airports.

This is exactly what is happening today, as the US embassy in Beirut is only functioning as a military base that insults the sovereignty and prestige of the Lebanese state whenever it wants.

Since Beirut air base is the only international airport in Lebanon, it has sought to reactivate some airports, such as Rayak air base, which currently witnesses a suspicious American and British military presence, given its strategic location in the heart of the Bekaa Valley near the Syrian border.

In 2011, Rayak air base was officially opened as a military air base for the Lebanese army. Before opening, the airport underwent expansion work funded and supervised directly by the US embassy.

Recently, it underwent additional expansion work as large capacity hangars were added to it. It was equipped with modern radars and surveillance devices.

It is worth noting that the Lebanese army used Rayak air base during its battles with Jolani’s terrorist groups during the Liberation of the Bekaa Outskirts Battle in 2015, which culminated in late August 2017 with the total elimination of all terrorists in the eastern chain of Lebanon and its liberation.

The US embassy also controls Qlayaat air base on the northern coast of Lebanon as a logistical base linking them to US bases in Cyprus, Greece, and the rest of West Asia. 

It is worth noting that Qlayaat air base is close to Syria and close to the Russian air and naval bases in Tartous and Latakia, which enhances its strategic importance for the Americans.

There is also effort to establish a facility at Qlayaat air base to facilitate the entry of weapons to support their anti-Hezbollah proxies in Lebanon. 

Lebanon’s airports are small in size but large in influence, just as Lebanon itself, which is small in size but great in influence.

Courtesy: Tehran Times