Showing posts with label unlimited supply of arms to Israel. Show all posts
Showing posts with label unlimited supply of arms to Israel. Show all posts

Sunday 25 August 2024

Kamala Harris and her heap of lies

All week long, the US citizens watched as the true base of the Democratic Party – billionaires, celebrities, national security figureheads and moderate Republicans – repeatedly assured us that Kamala Harris will be a different kind of president. A president of “joy.” But many found little room for joy in her speech Thursday night.

Instead, it revealed a great deal about what we can expect if Kamala becomes president – and none of it is good.

In a speech that could have easily been delivered by Joe Biden himself, Kamala promised to:

Sign Biden’s inhumane, militarized “bipartisan border bill” with 80% of the funding allocated to hardening border security and doubling the number of border patrol agents.

“Ensure America always has the strongest, most lethal fighting force in the world” with unchecked resources for the Pentagon to continue waging “wars around the world”.

Unconditionally supply Israel with endless weapons, as she repeated Israel’s discredited propaganda around the October 07 attacks and pointedly ignored the widespread reports of Israeli soldiers using sexual violence, physical and psychological torture against illegally incarcerated Palestinian prisoners.

Kamala absurdly claimed that she and Biden are “working around the clock” to secure a ceasefire for Gaza – even as they’ve authorized another US$23 billion in arms for Israel in August alone.

Now we learn that the Joe-Kamala administration has appointed Mira Resnick, perhaps the most hands-on State Department official involved in speed-running weapons to Israel since October 07, to replace Andrew Miller – the 1st official to resign in protest over Gaza.

Kamala’s heap of lies delivered on Thursday night firmly established that nothing will fundamentally change.

Kamala made it clear that she intends to continue this reckless path of capitalistic exploitation and global militarism, even fanning the flames with China and Iran as tens of thousands of the party faithful waved signs and shouted “USA! USA!”

The world finds no joy in any of this.

There are material conditions that must be urgently addressed for this country to meet the basic needs of its citizens and take the citizens off this death march into World War III and climate collapse. None of those policy solutions were present in her speech.

Instead citizens were promised more of the same. And much like Biden before her, that may prove to be the one promise that Kamala Harris keeps.

Kamala has shown her true colors, and we have a prudent choice to make this November.

There has to be a campaign to the White House this November that could set the US citizens on a radically different course – one that ends the genocide in Gaza and implement an immediate arms embargo on Israel.

There has to be a campaign with the credibility to address the climate emergency with the urgency it demands. There has to be a campaign with a radically transformative economic vision that will lift millions out of poverty and build a society free of injustice, inequity, hunger, and want.

There has to be a campaign that could challenge the empire both at home and abroad. In just over two months, Americans will have to make their voice heard at the ballot box.