Showing posts with label think tanks. Show all posts
Showing posts with label think tanks. Show all posts

Tuesday 13 June 2023

US foreign policy driven by military complexes

It is believed that the top think-tanks operating in the United States, active in foreign policy sphere, receive financial support from the top US military complexes that include Lockheed Martin, Boeing, and Northrop Grumman etc.

For Years, the US administration has been claiming that the country’s foreign policy is centered on human values like democracy, peace, freedom, and respect to other nations.

However, Quincy Institute for Responsible Statecraft recently published a detailed report which concluded that the US arms companies play a substantial role in shaping the country’s foreign policy.

The Institute suggests that of 10 top American think-tanks which are active in foreign policy sphere, all of them receive financial support from American firms including Lockheed Martin, Boeing, and Northrop Grumman etc.

In this regard, Atlantic Council and Center for Strategic and International Studies receive more than a million US dollars from these companies annually. 

The issue clarifies why most of American well-known think-tanks support the selling of arms to Ukraine, which is not the whole story.

According to the Quincy Institute report, more than 85% of the US media is in the long list of the recipients of the funds. The issue which unveils the fact that the US arms firms justify their inhuman aims by using the research and media tools.

Although different reports also refer to the fact that US arms’ firms use lobbyists for every member of the US Congress to advance their agendas in a desired way.

In this vein, it is not surprising to see that the US foreign policy has created historical catastrophes like the Iraq and Afghanistan wars.

It is noteworthy that in the midst of the Ukraine war, the executive manager of the US firm Raytheon Technologies clearly said, “Geopolitical tensions of Eastern Europe carry profitable income opportunities for the company”.

From this perspective, it is fair to say that behind the well-designed foreign policy are the policy carvers which meet their goals at the expense of US citizens.

This once again confirms the fact that the distance between declared and practical goals of the US foreign policy is from the earth to the sky.