Showing posts with label Parviz Fattah. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Parviz Fattah. Show all posts

Wednesday 29 May 2024

Iran: Finding Ebrahim Raisi Replacement

The next president of Iran is likely to be a hardliner unwaveringly loyal to Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, with a background in the Revolutionary Guards. It has to be someone with an unblemished background and devoid of political rivalries.

It is believed that Khamenei, Iran's ageing ultimate decision maker, seeks a fiercely loyal president in the June 28 election to run the country day-to-day and be a trusted ally who can ensure stability, amid manoeuvring over the eventual succession to his own position.

Registration for candidates opens on Thursday, although that is only the beginning of a process that will see hopefuls vetted by the Guardian Council, a hardline watchdog body that disqualifies candidates without always publicizing the reason.

The primary goal seems to be securing the election of a president who is intensely loyal to the supreme leader and his ideals. The victory of a hardline president is aimed shaping a smooth transition at the pinnacle of power, nevertheless presents a conundrum for the ruling clerics managing the vote next month.

To ensure the winner is a diehard Khamenei loyalist, it is likely the upcoming election will be dominated by hardliners.

The west fears that restricting the choice on the ballot is likely to dampen voters' interest and keep turnout low.

The quandary is a familiar one in Iran. In a race where those who run are carefully reviewed, typically the challenge for the clerical establishment is securing a high turnout.

The Guardian Council will publish the list of qualified candidates on June 11, 2024.

Raisi clinched victory in 2021 election on a turnout of about 49% - a significant drop from the 70% seen in 2017 and 76% in 2013.

Critics say the turnout reflected discontent over economic hardship and social and political restrictions which drove months of protests ignited by the death of a young woman arrested by the morality police in 2022.

Including low-key moderate candidates on the ballot might be a way to attract a larger turnout, some analysts say.

Currently sidelined from power, reformists remain faithful to Iran's theocratic rule but advocate improved relations with the West, and gradual moves towards more freedom of expression and a loosening of strict Islamic dress code.

Reformist former senior official Mohammad Ali Abtahi said the pro-reform camp would contest the election if its candidate was permitted to participate.

The cycle of low voter turnout, which has ensured hardliner victories in past parliament and presidential elections, can be changed.

The reformists' electoral strength remains unclear, as some voters believe they failed to bring greater freedoms in the periods when they were in power.

The 2022 protests exposed a widening breach between the reformists and demonstrators demanding regime change.

Even allowing a few known moderates to contest election might not be enough to get people to turn out. Voters have been repeatedly misled by the idea that reform-minded candidates ... would produce real change.

A new president would be unlikely to make any change to Iran's nuclear or foreign policy, both of which are controlled by the supreme leader.

The registration of candidates could include Parviz Fattah, a former Guards member who heads an investment fund linked to the leader, and Saeed Jalili, a former chief nuclear negotiator who in 2001 ran Khamenei's office for four years.

Interim President Mohammad Mokhber and former parliament speaker and a Khamenei adviser, Ali Larijani, have also been mentioned in Iranian media as possible candidates, Larijani was barred from participating in 2021 presidential race.