Showing posts with label Jewish settlers. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Jewish settlers. Show all posts

Tuesday 13 August 2024

Saudi Arabia condemns storming Al-Aqsa

According to Saudi Gazette, the Kingdom has condemned in the strongest terms the blatant and repeated incursions by Israeli occupation forces and a number of settlers into Al-Aqsa Mosque in East Jerusalem on Tuesday.

In a statement issued on Tuesday, the Saudi Ministry of Foreign Affairs renewed the Kingdom’s warning of the consequences of the continuation of such violations of international law and the historical status of the city of Jerusalem.

The Israeli acts also provoke the sentiments of millions of Muslims around the world, especially in light of the humanitarian catastrophe witnessed by the people of Palestine, the statement pointed out.

While emphasizing the importance of respecting religious sanctity, the ministry called on the international community to assume its responsibility towards stopping the ongoing Israeli violations of international law and relevant international legitimacy resolutions.

According to reports, more than 2,000 illegal Israeli settlers stormed the Al-Aqsa Mosque complex on Tuesday morning, under the heavy protection of Israeli troops, to perform a religious event. The act provoked tensions with Palestinian Muslims present at the holy site, the Jordan-run Islamic Endowments Department said in a statement.

Approximately 2,250 Israeli settlers toured the complex and conducted Talmudic religious rituals. It was also reported that Israeli settlers were seen waving Israeli flags while storming the complex of the mosque.

The settlers’ entry into the Al-Aqsa Mosque complex came in response to a call from extremist Jewish groups to commemorate Tisha B’Av, an annual Jewish fast day that marks the occurrence of several disasters in Jewish history, official Palestinian news agency Wafa reported.

The settlers entered the mosque through the western Al-Mugharbah Gate, a route frequently used during such incursions, it added.