Saturday 18 May 2024

Joe Biden’s genocide

The United States needs a president who won’t cede control of its foreign policy to an authoritarian, genocidal apartheid state, but who will instead work diligently for peace.

Joe Biden has continued the long tradition of American presidents who wage war in the name of keeping the peace and who violently displace people in the name of freedom.

It’s time for a new definition of what it means to be an American. It’s time to commit to the service of people, planet, and peace.

There is no red line for Biden with Israel, in fact there never was.

For 224 days Biden has repeatedly delivered material support for Israel’s brutality against Gaza.

Biden has now made it clear that he won’t stop for any reason.

The US government’s complicity in this genocide is a stain on all the Americans, but this will always be remembered as Joe Biden’s genocide.

The foreign ministers of 13 countries – including most of the G7 – issued statements calling on Israel to open the Rafah gate and allow aid into Gaza; the United States was not among them.

Five days after the invasion of Rafah, Biden made headlines announcing a “pause” on a single shipment of 3500 bombs to Israel, stating he was “concerned” the bombs would be used in Gaza.

Rafah was supposed to be Biden’s red line for Israel.

This “pause” (already too little and far too late) was meant to be proof that he meant it, but that was a lie.

It took five long, agonizing days for Joe Biden to act: after Israel unilaterally rejected a ceasefire agreement that would have resulted in a return of all hostages, invaded Rafah and began firing tanks at starving Palestinians huddled in tents, aid organizations and the UN and its allies and millions of Americans spoke out and demanded a halt on weapons to Israel.

Just days after delaying a few thousand bombs from shipping out, Biden is rushing weapons to Israel worth billion dollars.

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