Showing posts with label Brussels’ EV action. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Brussels’ EV action. Show all posts

Monday 17 June 2024

China to target pork from European Union

China has announced an anti-dumping investigation into certain pork products imported from the European Union. The move on Monday follows the EU’s decision last week to raise tariffs on Chinese EVs by up to 38% from July 04, 2024.

The products under investigation include fresh, cold and frozen pork; pork offal; pig fat without lean meat; as well as pig intestines, bladders and stomachs, according to China’s Ministry of Commerce (Mofcom).

The investigation period on import dumping from between January 01 to December 31 of last year, while the period for evaluating industrial damage covers four years from the first day of 2020 to the last day of 2023, the ministry said.

Starting from Monday, the investigation should last no more than a year, but it could be extended for a further six months, Mofcom added.

The investigation was said to be initiated in response to a formal application from the China Animal Agriculture Association, which represents the domestic pork industry and requested an anti-dumping investigation into imported pork from the EU on June 06, 2024.

“After receiving the application, the investigation agency reviewed the application in accordance with relevant Chinese laws and regulations and in compliance with World Trade Organization rules,” a Mofcom spokesperson said on Monday.

“It believed that the application met the conditions for filing an anti-dumping investigation and decided to launch an investigation.

“The investigation agency will conduct investigations in accordance with the law, fully protect the rights of all interested parties, and make objective and fair rulings based on the investigation results.”