Sunday 18 November 2018

Axis of Evil

Just the other day someone sent me this picture and its caption is ‘Axis of Evil’. I, as a Muslim, was shocked to see the flag of Saudi Arabia along with the flags of three other nations who are notaries for their atrocities. Britain ran colonies for nearly two centuries. United States dropped two atom bombs on Japan in World War II and currently master minding proxy wars in many countries. Israel, controlled by Zionists is modern day ‘Merchant of Death’.
I sat down to put the pieces of jigsaw puzzle together and was completely disgusted to find out how cunningly these three countries have dragged Saudi Arabia into this axis. Saudi Arabia is often accused for financing the terrorists/proxy wars. The critics have reasons to blame Saudi Arabia that supported Sadam Husain of Iraq for waging war on Iran that was spread over nearly 10 years 
The point became crystal clear when I heard the echo of one of the latest statements of the US president, “Saudi Arabia can’t live without us (Americans) for more than two weeks”. This statement came soon after Crown Price of Saudi Arabia was accused of killing a Saudi Journalist in Turkey. Some critics say President’s statement was aimed at building pressure on the Crown Price that was also followed by accusing him of master minding assassination of the Journalist. 
Now let us try to find an explanation for the presence of Saudi Arabia in this axis of evil. A point to ponder is that the other three countries have joined hands to topple regimes/destroy countries they don’t like. The most common US manta is ‘Regime Change’. Ironically Toney Blair, past UK prime Minister made his country subservient to the United States by propagating presence of mass destruction in Iraq, which later proved a hoax call.
Israel is the brainchild of the British Colonial that followed ‘Divide and Rule policy’. Though, Britain was the prime architect of creation of a Jewish State, but it was fully supported by the United States in brining Jews from many countries and settling them there. While Jews are flourishing in Israel, Palestinians are living in the biggest open air jail, Gaza.
Iran-Saudi Arab animosity is being exploited by the Zionists, who have brain washed the Monarchy to believe that Iran is bigger threat as compared to Israel. This mantra has enabled United States and other European countries in selling billions of dollars arms annually to Saudis. The dishonest western media often accuses Saudi Arabia for using these arms in Yemen and other countries against the local population.

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