Showing posts with label Judaism. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Judaism. Show all posts

Tuesday 6 July 2021

Haredim: The biggest threat facing Israel

Israel’s new leadership calls itself the “Change Government” because the long-serving Benjamin Netanyahu has been finally displaced. But its ideological disparities risk blocking the real changes that are needed, including on the primary threat the country as currently constituted faces.

It’s not from the Palestinians, nor from the wider Arab world or even Iran. The greatest danger is from within: the rapidly expanding haredi.

The haredim cling to a rigid interpretation of Judaism which tolerates little deviation from ancient traditions. They can be found in the United States, Belgium, Britain and elsewhere, always forming tight-knit communities, but only in Israel is there a toxic firewall between them and fellow citizens.

This can be traced to the decision some 70 years ago by David Ben-Gurion to grant draft exemptions to students at yeshivot. Back then this applied to several hundred genuine scholars.

This arrangement turned Torah study into an arguably unprecedented obsession in which all haredi men are pushed to lifelong seminary duty, first to avoid the draft and then essentially as a source of welfare.

Whereas other university students pay tuition, haredim receive stipends for as long as they study, if possible for life. Over 150,000 men now in these schools are indoctrinated in the faith that stricture and rabbis supersede the laws and officials of the state.

To maintain the insularity, most haredi high schoolers are sent to the community’s schools that teach little or no math, science and English; in recent days Israel’s chief rabbi, who is haredi, called such studies of secular subjects “nonsense.” Israel funds these schools even though their unfortunate graduates are essentially unemployable in a modern economy.

As a consequence less than half of haredi men are part of the workforce, the lowest participation level of any identifiable group in Israel – and, tellingly, far less than haredim in other countries. The minority who do work tend to populate a vast religious bureaucracy that includes supervisors of the mikvaot ritual baths, kashrut food certifications, and other apparatchiks.

Women in the community are banished from haredi parties’ candidates lists and encouraged to procreate with such vigor that they on average produce 7.1 children – far more than in any identifiable group in Israel.

They live in a poverty rendered minimally tolerable by state subsidies for each child at the expense of working Israelis. Thus the community doubles itself every 16 years, four times the rate of the rest of Israel.

The haredim have grown to about 12% of the 9.5 million people – almost 20% of the country’s Jews. Unless something changes – and the attrition rate is estimated at less than 5% – they will constitute a majority of Israel’s Jews in a few decades.

Wednesday 16 June 2021

Two non confidence moves filed against new Israeli government

Two separate non confidence moves have been filed against the new Israeli government headed by Prime Minister, Naftali Bennett. One was filed by Likud faction chairman Miki Zohar and another by Shas and United Torah Judaism.

The Likud wrote in its no-confidence motion, “The government was formed with lies and tricking the public, and has no mandate from the public.” The motion was filed by Likud faction chairman Miki Zohar and will be presented on Monday by MK Ofir Akunis.

A separate no-confidence motion, filed by Shas and United Torah Judaism, relates to matters of religion and state.

“For the first time in the history of Israel, a government was founded that sees Judaism as an obstacle, as superfluous and redundant weight that needs to be removed,” it said.

Zohar announced that there would be no pairing off of coalition and opposition MKs that enables MKs to miss votes in the Knesset.

“If you treat us disrespectfully, we will treat you disrespectfully,” Zohar told coalition MKs at a meeting of the Knesset Arrangements Committee on Wednesday.

The opposition also did not help the coalition pass the extension of an ordinance preventing family reunification of Palestinians and Israeli Arabs.

One can recall that instead of a gracious reception and an orderly transfer of power, Bennett was met with a malicious, preplanned verbal attack of chaos and venom directed at him and the new coalition.

The speech of outgoing Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu was antagonistic and aggressive. There was no sign of goodwill, no acknowledgment of stepping down, and no indication that he’s going to sit quietly in the opposition.

He declared not to leave politics. He expressed intention to remain opposition leader, head of the Likud and the party’s candidate for prime minister in the next election.

Netanyahu told his supporters they should keep their heads held high despite losing power. “We will continue to work together,” he said.

“I will lead you in a daily struggle against this dangerous left wing government to topple it, and with God’s help, it will happen much faster than you think.”

Netanyahu said, “Bennett always does the opposite of what he says.” The new government is unfit to lead the country for even a single day, he said.

Had Bennett told Israelis he would form a government with Lapid, he would not have gotten elected at all, Netanyahu said, calling him “Fake Right.”