According to ReCAAP engine spares were stolen in one
incident and nothing was taken in the other two. Engine spares are a common
item to be stolen in such robbery incidents in the Singapore Strait.
The Information Fusion Centre (IFC) believes that the three
incidents on February 28 may have involved the same gang of perpetrators.
IFC noted that the first two incidents, both on bulk carrier Ifestos and
DSM Rose were within 1.1 nm of each other, took place less than hour apart, and
5 – 6 perpetrators were reported to have been involved. In the second and third
incidents, the latter in which a crew member was injured, the perpetrators
reported to be armed with similar equipment.
total there have been 21 incidents of robbery against ships in the Singapore
Strait this year, up from six in the same period last year, and some 16 of
these incidents took place in the Philip’s channel with vessels transiting in
an easterly direction.
IFC noted that the incidents in Philip’s Channel took place
at an area where vessels heading in the Singapore Strait typically reduce speed
significantly making them more susceptible to attacks.
While the three attacks on February 28 are believed to be the
work of the same group, IFC believes there are multiple groups of perpetrators
in the region targeting vessels.
“Based on past trending, it was assessed that there were
likely multiple groups of perpetrators operating in the PC, and these
perpetrators had good knowledge of local waters and would continue to blend in
with the traffic under the cover of darkness, and board when opportune.
Perpetrators may target multiple vessels in the same night or over subsequent
nights in the same area, especially if previous attempts were unsuccessful,”
IFC said in its observations on the incidents.
In 2024
some 54 of the 62 ship robbery incidents in the Singapore Strait took place in
the Philip’s Channel.
IFC recommended heightened vigilance, particularly when
transiting through Philips Channel in hours of darkness. Ship’s crew were
advised not confront the perpetrators and to immediately report incidents to
the local authorities and the IFC.
ReCAAP issued similar advice in terms of enhanced vigilance
when transiting the area as well repeating previous calls for increased action
for the authorities.
“The ReCAAP ISC urges
the littoral States to increase patrols/surveillance in their respective
waters, respond promptly to incidents reported by ships, strengthen
coordination and promote information sharing on incidents and criminal groups
involved to arrest the perpetrators,” it said.