Sunday, 3 September 2017

US adamant at destroying the world

My special thanks to Bryan Drurzin for posting this on Linkedin. I started writing blogs in June 2012 and named my website Geo politics in South Asia and MENA. The caption of my second blog was US – The biggest Arm Seller . I would not hesitate for a second in admitting my inadequacy at that time, but had a strong faith that the US creates conflicts around the world, facilitate in forming rebel groups, supply them funds and arms for spreading anarchy.
I often wonder that the citizens of the largest democracy never demand their government to stop spending taxpayers’ money on destruction. At times I feel that the US citizens suffer from the worst apathy. They are hard working, but their sole objective is to make money and spend it for pleasure, from alcohol to drugs and from satisfying labedo to gayism. In a way the US government  endorses production of kids without marriage and permits same sex marriages. I suspect that all these liberties are given to keep them under sedation so that they don’t question what the government is doing.

1 comment:

  1. What is the basis of your conclusions? In my opinion it is lack of interaction with the common American. In Pakistan there is no lack of children produced very "legitimately" but it appears that is all we have to show as our production. What else do we have for the last 70 years? Time to start looking within ourselves to see how can we improve, rather blaming other nations for our faults.
